Fairy Fountains are mystical locations in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild where players can receive upgrades for their armor and weapons. However, locating these fountains isn’t easy and may require quite a bit of exploration. Fortunately, the developers at Nintendo have created this handy guide to fairy fountain locations botw and the upgrades they offer.
Throughout the game, players will encounter Great Fairies and their magical fountains. These fountains, which are located all around Hyrule, provide various upgrades and power-ups for Link. However, players will need to visit the fountains several times to fully take advantage of their offerings.
Each stage of the game has its own Great Fairy Fountain that rewards players with a specific upgrade. However, these fountains are hidden in the most difficult to reach places in the world and finding them requires some serious exploring. To help players find these mystical locations, we have put together this guide to fairy fountain locations botw and the armor upgrades they offer.
Great Fairy Fountains
There are five different Great Fairy Fountains in The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, and each one offers its own unique reward. These rewards range from weapon and armor upgrades to resurrecting horses. In addition, these magical fountains also serve as a source for Saffina Flowers which are required to unlock certain upgrades with some of the game’s armor types.
The first great fairy fountain that players will encounter is Great Fairy Cotera in the Gerudo Desert. This fountain can be found by heading to Kakariko Village and entering the Ta’loh Naeg shrine at the top of the town. Once inside, head southwest and you’ll soon see a dragon skeleton that hides the fountain. This fountain rewards Link with a shield that prevents him from taking damage for a short amount of time.
Another great fairy fountain is found in the Sacred Forest Meadow near Saria. This fountain is easily accessed by climbing the ladder within the dungeon and making your way to the end. Once you have done so, you should see a large rock wall that can be blown up with bombs. This will open up the entrance to the fountain.
After completing the main story in the Sacred Forest Meadow, you will soon be rewarded with a new area that contains a few of these magical fountains. The first of these is located in the far northwest region of the map and is positioned close to Piper Ridge. This fountain is owned by Great Fairy Kaysa and grants Link a defense upgrade that makes him less vulnerable to attacks.
Great Fairy Fountains are very important for the success of any Zelda player, and it’s well worth the effort to locate all of them in the game. Having these upgrades in your inventory will make it much easier to defeat tough bosses and complete the game’s challenging quests. So make sure to keep this guide handy and check out the other great guides we have for The Legend of Zelda: Breath OF The Wild!