Fairy King Harlequin is the third and most powerful fairy in history. He was born from the Sacred Tree of the Fairy King’s Forest more than a thousand years ago and has the power to control the true power of his species. He is able to change his appearance and clothes at will, as well as use flying and levitation techniques that are beyond the capabilities of most fairies. He has also been able to defeat a Great Holy Knight without the help of any other allies.
King was once the ruler of the Fairy King’s Forest, a country set on the border between the fairy and human realms. He was entrusted with the task of protecting the Fountain of Youth within the forest and guarding the boundary between the two worlds. In order to accomplish this duty, he carries the spirit spear Chastiefol and utilizes his inherent power, Disaster.
Originally, King was best friends with Helbram, another fairy and the ruler of another kingdom. Helbram and King lived in harmony with each other until King went to the human world to trade with humans. In the process, he suffered a grievous injury and ended up forgetting his original mission. He also found out that his old friend was massacring countless humans and essentially declared war on the human race.
King vowed to kill Ban, who was reported to be responsible for the incident that shattered his sister’s faith in humanity. However, he soon changed his mind when he learned that Ban was truly concerned about bringing Elaine back to life. He subsequently helped and protected Ban during their fight against Guila and began to truly respect him.
Due to the fact that he has never been able to return home, King feels extremely lonely in his human form. He is always looking for a companion and is very shy around Diane, often blushing whenever she speaks to him. However, he quickly becomes very attached to her when she starts to believe in his words and protects him from anyone that might try to hurt her.
King is a master of the shamanist art and uses his power to create magical scrolls that can help him in his journeys. He is also a highly skilled and dangerous fighter in both his fairy and human forms, capable of inflicting serious damage to his opponents with just one hit. He is also a surprisingly fast runner, being able to easily match or even surpass Ban and Meliodas when it comes to speed. He is also able to fly and use the technique Bumblebee, which allows him to manipulate and alter objects on a molecular level to change their trajectory. He is also a natural in terms of strength, being able to overpower Ban and Meliodas even in their most weakened states.