The Fairies Realm is a liminal space between consensus reality and a magical otherworld. The faerie folk dwell there, a place where natural beauty is wilder, and mythical creatures are commonplace. People often experience the fae when they are in a liminal state, such as at twilight or other auspicious times such as solstices and new moons. The fairies realm is a mysterious place where it is easy to get lost and never find your way back.
While faeries are usually benevolent and friendly, some can be wicked or hostile, especially to those who treat them poorly or try to entrap them in their thrall. Anecdotes by Gerald of Wales, Ralph of Coggleshall, Gervase of Tilbury and William of Newburgh all report encounters with nonhuman creatures in human forms that could not be fitted into traditional Christian concepts of angels or demons. These beings inhabited parallel worlds, usually accessed by portals found in hills or hollows. These otherworldly entities were referred to as fairies or elves and were generally considered to be more advanced than humans in many ways, including having a more complex society and longer lifespans.
A fairy is a being that can walk between the mortal and otherworldly realms. They can take on the form of animals, plants, and even people. They can also take on the color of their environment, as seen in the swan-like white faeries that are sometimes seen near waterfalls and lakes. The fae are said to inhabit the otherworld, which is often compared to Middle-Earth in Tolkien’s work. In particular, the Undying Lands of Valinor, the homeland of the elves and Istari wizards, is often used as an analogy for the faerie realm.
The faerie realm is a place of dichotomy and contradictions, a place that is forever trapped between darkness and gleeful happiness. It is a place where nature is wilder and more vivid than in the human world, but it is also a dangerous and violent landscape filled with warring kingdoms and conniving fey. It is a world that only the most virtuous of mortals can enter.
The faerie realm can be accessed in different ways, but the easiest is to make an offering to the fae. This can be as simple as leaving a gift of fruit or flowers in the garden, lighting an incense stick or burning sage in a smudge bundle. This is meant to open the spirit and energetic connection with the otherworld and can be a good way to begin exploring this amazing and mysterious realm. The more you engage with the faeries, the more they will open up to you. The more you learn from them, the more they will be able to teach you about their way of life. This is why it is important to be respectful and always remember that the faeries are here as teachers, not as masters or slaves. In time, you will learn to recognize their presence when they appear to you.