Fairies are small magical creatures that exist in legends and folklore around the world. They are often depicted as being human-like but also come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are thought to have originated as versions of nature gods and goddesses.
They can be found in woodland communities and underground kingdoms, or in lakes, hills or stone or grass circles. They may be able to fly, or morph into a person-size form.
A fairy’s power comes from one of the six elements: earth, air, fire, light, water and mind. Fairies can combine their magic to make a powerful combination, and they can use their powers in the world around them to create new things and help others.
The different types of fairies have different powers and special abilities. Some are more sensitive to certain elements than others. For example, an earth fairy is more likely to be affected by the environment and care about it than a fire fairy.
They are also often very intelligent. For instance, a fire fairy is able to understand the emotions of the people around them and can use that information to manipulate other things.
While these abilities can be useful in the world around them, they are not always safe to practice. For example, Rosalind forces fairies to use their emotions at a high level, which could have dire consequences.
She also pushes them to tap into their power too quickly, which can cause them to go out of control and even hurt others.
Rosalind is a former headmistress of Alfea College and is very strict about doing magic safely. She has a lot of knowledge about fairies and their powers, but she is very unforgiving when it comes to her students.
Fairies are a very important part of life at Alfea. They help teach the students about their own powers, how to use them and how to work together as a team.
They also help the students learn about the other elements of magic. For example, a fire fairy can control the heat in the atmosphere, and an earth fairy can change their surroundings by melting something.
The different kinds of earth fairies are very similar to each other in that they have a love for the natural world. Their abilities include creating a natural force field, growing plants and trees, and moving rocks and earth.
Besides these basic capabilities, they can also create objects like a ball of light that can either be stationary or mobile. They can also use blasts of light to defend themselves and their friends during attacks.
Their abilities are not limited to just physical things, however, and they can also use their powers to create invisible objects.
Invisible things can be a big help when battling Burned Ones. Terra and her father, Professor Harvey, are very good at making unguents. They can mix herbs and other ingredients to make an oil that slows down the infection from a Burned One.