It’s no secret that fairies hate the presence of iron and steel in our environment. Many cultures have beliefs that the material will harm fairies. Whether they’re real or mythical, fairies do not like the smell of iron and steel and will try to avoid contact with it. Here’s why: 1. It’s poisonous. While most humans can’t tell the difference between a 3-inch fairy and a fully grown human, a three-inch fairy is not likely to hurt a fully grown person.
The concept of fairies hating iron dates back to the late Victorian era and was first mentioned in popular works of fiction. Its popularity was due to the fact that it represented 20th century human technology. In a way, it made sense as the clash of two magically tuned cultures was a metaphor for the encroachment of the dark. This idea of fairies hating the metal was a popular one.
Another theory is that fairies dislike iron. According to Robert Kirk, the theory of fairies hating iron originated in the early nineteenth century. Although it’s never been proven, the concept has been around for centuries. Regardless of whether or not it’s true, there are still a few theories on why fairies dislike it. If you’re a child, you can use it as a tool to teach them not to eat iron. It will also teach them about fairies’ fear of metal.
As previously mentioned, fairies dislike the color of iron. While fairies cannot see iron, they can perceive it. People who visit their realms have the ability to observe fairies and learn their ways. While they cannot be seen by humans, they can see them and can even count grains of salt/sugar on the tip of their fingers. Cream is the favorite food of fairies, as it intoxicates them. They are sensitive to iron as well, and so do not eat it if it’s contaminated.
Interestingly, the fact that fairies dislike the material iron is unrelated to the fact that fairies love to play with magic. However, the object of magic must be attractive to the fairies. The iron-salt mixture is a good example of a ward against a magical object. In addition, it is also believed that the magic of a fairie is beneficial to humankind. In turn, a fairy can summon a witch or a ghost, but it is best to avoid using magic to control it.
There are various theories that explain the effect of iron on fairies. The most common theory is that fairies hate the metal because it can cause a fire. In other words, fairies are sensitive to iron and will explode if they’re exposed to it. If they can’t see you, then they will not be able to see you. If they are sensitive to metal, they can’t see you. Similarly, they can’t be seen by humans.