Fairies are magical beings that have a special relationship with the Earth. They are often seen in nature, and they can also interact with humans who are open to their presence. They are a powerful force that can bring healing, abundance and love into your life. The fairy lore is full of tales about how they can appear in many different ways, from having blond hair and blue eyes to looking like Tinkerbell, or even just as shimmers or sparkles or as a swirl of energy. Some people claim that they have encountered a fairy, while others are not quite sure what they saw or felt. In any case, fairy sightings can be very exciting, but it is important to remember that fairies are not there to harm you.
Unlike the cute little creatures that many of us grew up believing in, fairies were once serious and dangerous beings who could even play deadly games with humans. These beings worked tirelessly to keep the balance of the natural world, and they were often feared for their ability to wreak havoc and cause disaster in the human realm. The fairy lore has had multiple ups and downs over the millennia, and the modern day bowdlerization of fairy stories represents just another chapter in this long tale.
Most of the time, fairies are found in nature, but they can also visit urban or suburban areas. You are more likely to see them in places with lush forests, rivers, mountains or even a flourishing garden. These beings are very much a part of the Earth, and they have a special relationship with trees, water and all living things. They are also closely tied to the energies of magic and intuition, and they respect those who consciously walk a path of spiritual growth and love.
If you are able to connect with fairies and invite them into your home, they may bring you gifts of wisdom and guidance. They may also help to clear away the karma and negativity that is in your house, and they will help to heal your body and emotions. In general, it is best to let the fairies be in charge of this process, but you can try to talk to them, if they are willing to communicate with you.
It is common for fairies to gather at night in large mushroom or flower circles, and they can sing and dance in these groups. When they visit your home, you may notice that small items in your home disappear and are then found elsewhere in the house, or you might hear strange tappings at night from outside. Often, fairies leave little gifts for their hosts, and you might find that your pets behave differently when they are around.
It is important to remember that fairies are magical beings, and they have their own reasons for visiting your home. You should always treat them with kindness and respect. If you offend them, they might decide to stay for a shorter period of time. You can also ask them to leave if you are not comfortable with their presence.