Fairies are legendary creatures in European folklore. They are sometimes described as anthropomorphic, but most commonly they are portrayed as magical beings with supernatural or preternatural qualities. In the 17th century, fairies became common subjects of Renaissance art and literature. In the 19th century, they were a key element of Romanticism and the Celtic Revival, and they are now widely accepted as part of the cultural heritage of many European peoples.
While they may seem to be magical, fairies are also dangerous. They are often believed to be able to cause illness, particularly tuberculosis and birth defects, and they can use magic to steal food or other resources. They can also be invoked to act as guardians of specific locations or to ward off evil spirits. They are feared by the ill and by travelers who encounter them at crossroads. They are also blamed for mysterious illnesses such as madness and death. In order to frighten them away, people used charms such as church bells, wearing clothing inside out, and four-leaf clover.
They are also known to live in mounds near lakes and rivers, as well as in trees and forests, where they are said to protect the natural world. They are able to change their appearance and move in different time periods, which makes it difficult to recognize them. They also have a special power of regeneration, which means that they can bring back what has been lost or destroyed.
When dealing with fairies, it is best not to offend them or they may give you what you want, but only at a price. For example, if a fairy knows your name, it will have power over you. Similarly, one should not visit their lands under mounds as it can tie them to that world. They also have the ability to transport people into their own realms, which can be dangerous if they are not prepared.
A fairy is a mythical creature in the tradition of European folklore that includes Celtic, Slavic, and Germanic cultures. Fairies are often referred to as “fay,” but this term is also used in English-language versions of the Brothers Grimm’s tales, which they called Zäubermärchen. These stories are a part of the great European tradition of folklore, which goes back thousands of years. Through Disney, the legacy of these stories has spread throughout the world.