Initially launched as a series of short cartoon segments, Fairly OddParents was later reworked into a live action/animated series. The show was produced by Frederator Studios and distributed by MTV Networks. The series is set in the fictional city of Dimmsdale, California. It features a 10-year-old boy, Timmy Turner, who is neglected by his parents and babysitter. He asks the “OddParents” to pretend to be his parents to help him navigate his life.
The first episode of the series premiered on September 4, 1998. The series was then renewed for two seasons. However, the production ran into a number of problems, including the canceled airing of the third season. Eventually, Nickelodeon Movies was planning to release a theatrical movie. But the series subsequently aired as a series of specials. These specials, which followed the new episodes in succession, are known as the Channel Chasers.
The show is based on the adventures of a boy named Timmy Turner who is put under the care of two fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda. The two have magical powers and grant the wishes of Timmy. The wishes can be very beneficial, but can also come with dire consequences. For example, in the season five episode, “Timmy the Barbarian”, Timmy wants to switch brains with Vicky’s dog, but this wish can affect Cosmo’s intelligence. In order to fix this problem, Timmy has to learn a lesson.
In order to make his wishes come true, Timmy turns to the “OddParents” for help. But when the OddParents pose as his parents, he risks losing his two fairy godparents.
The series features a number of celebrities as guest stars. Some of these celebrities are: Alec Baldwin, Tom Arnold, Jackie Mason, Jay Leno, Tom Kenny, Gene Simmons, and Scott Hamilton. Other famous characters have been parodied as well. Norm McDonald, for example, voiced Norm the Genie, and George W. Bush was depicted as Sylvester Calzone.
As a part of their 15th anniversary celebration, the show had several special events. For instance, a nine-minute retrospective video was shown on the Nickelodeon Animation Studios Facebook page. There were also several screenings of the live action movie, A Fairly Odd Summer, and the Fairly Odd Coaster. These events helped to build the buzz around the show.
After the sixth season, the show saw a hiatus for several months. The show resumed production in February 2007. In November 2007, the ninth season began. The show is available in 27 languages. It has aired on the Nickelodeon network and on Paramount+. Its DVD boxsets are available on and iTunes. Currently, the DVDs are unavailable for the final two seasons of the show.
During its run, the show’s lead-in rating increased greatly. It is a fast-paced show, with a lot of mature humor. In fact, Time magazine called it one of the greatest television shows of all time. It is also the second longest running animated series of all time. Butch Hartman is the creator and executive producer of the show.