Across the vast expanse of Gielinor, the world of Old School RuneScape (OSRS) is an unfathomable tapestry of enchanted wonders, offering a mystical means of exploration and discovery. Within this enchanting realm, fairy rings are the pinnacle of teleportation innovation – providing a means to delve into places untouched by conventional methods of travel. However, not all players are aware of the full extent of these enchanting rings, and thus, their hidden potential. In this article, we unravel the mystery of the fairies’ ring system, a network of teleportation wonders that transcends mere transportation.
Fairy enchantment osrs
To access the Fairy Rings, players must first complete Fairytale Part II – Cure a Queen. Upon completing this quest, players can visit the Fairy Queen’s hideout via the fairy ring system by evoking a sequence of four codes. This exact sequence must be repeated each time a player wishes to enter the Queen’s Hideout.
To begin the process, players must visit the infirmary in the Queen’s Hideout and speak to Fairy Nuff. Once the conversation has concluded, Nuff will tell you that the Queen is ill, and that she needs secateurs from the Fairy Godfather. Nuff will then prompt the player to pickpocket the Queen’s secateurs from the Fairy Godfather in Zanaris.
Once the player reaches the Fairy Godfather, he will reveal himself to be a shadowy figure that occupies the throne room located adjacent to the slayer master. He will then request the player to locate the Fairy Queen, while he grants the player authorization to use fairy rings – a tool pivotal in the queen’s search.
As a note of warning, the player should not use the fairy ring system until they have Nuff’s certificate in their inventory. Otherwise, the player will be unable to reach the hideout but instead will appear on a small island with penguins. To avoid this, players must have the certificate in their inventory and repeat the code sequence correctly.
The teleport locations available to the player after inputting the codes are as follows:
To activate the fairy ring system, the player must hold either a Dramen or Lunar staff and invoke the three-letter code while holding the staff. The player will then be able to teleport to the appropriate location. Alternatively, completion of the Lumbridge & Draynor Diary eliminates the need for the dramen or lunar staff.
A fairy ring can also be used in the superior garden of a player’s house, but this requires a Construction level of 85. This is a great way to add a little magic to your home, but it’s important to remember that you can only use the Fairy Rings once a day. Otherwise, the teleportation will fail and you’ll be forced to wait until the next day. To regain a teleportation, players must enter the code again.