Fairies are a powerful group of magical creatures in Dungeons and Dragons, but they don’t go around dancing under the moonlight and having fun with elves. They’re all about work, and helping others. This can be seen in their nature, where they tend to do things like water the plants of the forest, care for the animals that live there, and embroider beautiful patterns with sun and moon rays.
As such, their magical powers are usually used to aid people and fight evil. One of the most useful spells in their arsenal is fairy fire, a spell that allows them to reveal invisible enemies and objects. It’s also a great way to control the battlefield, as it gives the caster advantage on attacks and prevents enemies from hiding behind obstacles.
How Does It Work?
When cast, this spell makes the affected creature or object glow in a dim light that can be seen up to a 20-foot cube. The light can be blue, green, red, or violet. The DM can even let players choose the color, depending on what they feel is appropriate for their character’s roleplaying style and personality. The light can also highlight other objects and features of the environment, which is a huge boon for dungeon-runners who want to see the best route through a room.
One of the most obvious uses for this spell is dealing with invisible enemies, especially at lower levels. It’s a good way to track down and annihilate enemies that would otherwise be hard to find, whether it’s a bugbear that’s hiding in the shadow of a pillar or a Lizard Folk Shaman who’s obscured by a Fog Cloud. This can also be used to light up traps and other enemy ambushes that might not have been noticed otherwise.
It’s Also A Great Way To Help Your Party Defeat Bigger Enemies
Because the spell negates invisibility and offers an advantage on attack rolls against the target, it’s perfect for fighting larger monsters. It can be difficult to get a high AC tank to fend for themselves against a bigger enemy, but with this spell, they’ll be visible and easier to hit.
While it’s still important to remember that the party must make a Dexterity save to avoid damage, this is a good spell to use against larger opponents. It’s worth noting that the caster will only gain advantages on their attack rolls for 10 rounds, but that’s more than enough time to make a significant difference in battle.
This is a great spell for any class, but it’s particularly good for warrior classes. Fighters, Paladins, and Rangers will have a blast annihilating any targets that they can see clearly with this spell. Rogues, meanwhile, will enjoy the guaranteed Sneak Attack. It’s also a great way for druids and bards to use their ranged attacks. As such, it’s a useful and easy-to-use spell that should be in every caster’s repertoire.