Fairies are supernatural beings with numerous powers and abilities that have long been associated with them. They can appear as mischievous creatures that enjoy tricking mortals or they can be helpful spirits that enliven plants and bring healing to people. Some of the most common fairy powers include healing, invisibility, electrokinesis, telekinesis and immortality. They can also shapeshift into beautiful human forms or into more goblin-like appearances.
While most fairy beings are considered good, a few are evil and can use their powers for nefarious purposes. Some fairies have the ability to grant humans a glimpse of their secret world, while others can bestow fortune and unfortune upon them. Many fairies are able to see the future and help people find lost objects.
One of the most powerful fairy powers is the ability to create portals into other dimensions. It is thought that fairies of lesser power may require fixed portals, while more powerful beings can create them at will. This allows faeries to move between different worlds and can be used for a variety of purposes such as travel, protection, interdimensional warfare or to evade capture by mortals.
Faeries can also transport themselves and others to other dimensional planes using their telekinesis or clairvoyance. This can be useful in wars between faerie clans or simply as an escape from an unpleasant environment. The exact method of transportation depends on the nature of the faerie in question but it has been described as everything from breathing out or blowing out candles to creating a shimmering ball of light that appears out of thin air.
Another powerful fairy ability is the ability to cast illusions. This can be used to make a person more attractive or to deceive someone. It has been shown that fairy illusions are extremely convincing and are not hampered by any limitations such as the human ability to perceive true beauty.
Other common fairy powers include telekinesis (the ability to move objects with the mind), invisibility, electrokinesis (the ability to conjure electrical currents) and oneirokinesis (the ability to enter dreams). The latter power is especially strong in pixies.
Fairies can also manipulate weather, cause diseases and even change a person’s fate. They can create illusions, predict the future and communicate with plants. In addition, they can heal wounds instantly and make things grow or die.
Some faeries have the ability to make oaths and promises with mortals. This is done by touching the fingers of both parties and a photokinetic light will appear in their hands. This type of oath is known as blood on vellum and can only be broken by causing great dishonor to the oath maker and their clan. The oaths are usually made between fairies and humans who have been friends for a long time or are very close relatives. When a faerie oaths with a mortal they must sign their name on the oath and the contract is sacred. If the oath is broken it brings great dishonor to the faerie and they will be attacked by their clan members.