The fairy ring mushroom (Marasmius oreades) is a common autumn and spring fungus that grows in rings around natural grasslands. This edible mushroom has a distinctive almond fragrance and is eaten fresh, or cooked into soups, stews, pasta sauces and omelets. While some gardeners hate this fungus because it eats their lawns, it is actually a helpful gardener’s friend that breaks down organic material and recycles nutrients back into the soil.
Fairy ring mushrooms are not only tasty but also packed with health benefits. The fungus contains several antioxidants including flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to fight off free radicals. It is also a source of vitamin D, which may help to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
It is important to accurately identify these mushrooms before consuming them, as there are many toxic lookalikes that can share the same habitat and appear similar to M. oreades, such as Chlorophyllum molybdite and Clitocybe dealbata. It is best to collect them in a group with an experienced mushroomer and to practice proper foraging techniques.
As the name suggests, fairy ring mushrooms often grow in rings that can be seen from above, especially when they are growing in parkland with natural grassy areas that are not treated with chemical fertilizers or weed killers. The rings are created when the mycelium of the mushroom spreads out, causing new mushrooms to sprout up on its perimeter, especially in wet weather. This fungus often creates “fairy rings” in lawns, but it also can be found in woodlands and other natural areas with sandy or loamy soil.
While these mushrooms are commonly found in the late summer and early autumn months, they can be found at other times of the year in mild and humid conditions. It is a perennial, and some sites will produce mushrooms year after year. It is a great idea to mark the location of these sites so that you can return in future years to harvest this delicious fungus.
Once collected, it is a good idea to clean these mushrooms gently, as the tough stems can be rather tough and may tear the cap if handled roughly. The stems should be cut off before cooking, either in the field or at home. After removing the tough stems and cleaning off any adhering grass, the mushrooms can be prepared fresh or preserved by drying. This is a fairly easy process, and the dried mushroom will reconstitute well when soaked in water at a later time.
Fairy ring mushrooms can be sauteed in a pan with oil or butter over medium-high heat, and it is also a nice addition to soups and stews. Cooked mushrooms are also good in omelets and on top of steaks or chicken. A simple rinse before cooking is enough to remove any dirt. These mushrooms are not meant to be eaten raw, as they can be quite bitter.