The fairies are a very powerful deck with a very unique mechanic. They have a lot of monsters that are very versatile. They also have a bunch of support cards that can boost their monsters or help them negate attacks. The archetype is very splashable and can be easily spliced into other synchro decks. The biggest threat from the deck is Master Hyperion, a level 8 monster that can banish any Agent from the hand, field or graveyard to destroy a target card on the field. This can be very dangerous if the deck isn’t careful.
One of the more unique fairy decks that was around was a deck based on the planets. The deck had tons of traps and a few good monsters, but the real power was the card that made the deck unique, Artifact Moralltach. This card was a DARK lvl 8 that could be special summoned by activating a counter trap. It had one of the best support effects in the game, letting the player draw a card every time a counter trap was activated. This was very helpful in a deck that depended on counters and trade-ins to make money, such as the fairy deck in this article.
This deck uses a combination of fairies and monsters from the other decks to create an extremely fast, combo-oriented deck. It uses the classic Fairy Yugi, the Legendary Swordsman for some of its most explosive combos as well as a few more modern fairies to provide extra attack and defense. It also uses cards like Pot of Avarice to recycle Shining Angel and Nova Summoner, allowing the deck to get numerous high attack fairies out quickly. It also utilizes a generic counter fairy trap lineup, including a few Mirror Force to keep the opponent from getting an advantage and Bottomless Trap Hole for some extra defense.
Some of the key cards in this deck include Bountiful Artemis, which is a staple in all counter fairy decks. She provides a huge advantage by letting the player draw a card whenever a counter trap is used, even if it’s not the players own. This is one of the best support cards in the game and it’s extremely useful in a deck that revolves around gaining advantage through counters and traps.
Other important cards include Darklord Zerato, who can be a big beatstick when paired with the deck’s main component, Valhalla, Hall of the Fallenen. Hecatrice is another essential card in this deck, as she can search out the deck’s main component while providing some burn and LP gaining. She is also a great tribute fodder for Athena’s revival effect. Marshmallon is a nice defense card that can be used to block while stalling for an attack or to give some LP boosts while defending.
This deck also includes some very powerful lp boosting cards such as Draining Shield and Reckless Greed. Both of these cards can easily swell Airknight Parshath to its full potential and provide some serious damage.