In the new Yu-Gi-Oh movie, The Castle of Cagna, a brand new set of four mysterious cards have been released called the Fairy Y Yugioh Cards. The mysterious new cards are made up of four basic cards and two mini cards. When they are combined, they form the powerful “Fairy Y” cards.
The original Japanese name of these new cards is the Ultra Rare Y-Compatibility. However, the name has been changed to avoid confusion with the more common and non-existent “Y” cards. It seems they were first referred to as the “Super Rare” during the sneak test for the Yu-Gi-Oh DVD. However, since the release of the English dub for the movie, the names have been changed to Fairies Y and Super Rare. This is why the new name seems to be what people are calling now.
The new four cards in the new set are Dark Valkia, Diyzgon, Zillionaireuna, and Platinum Dioscore. The first card is a new character that was not introduced in the Japanese version of the card game. The original Japanese name for this card is “Valkia”. It can only be used for battle and once it is used, it is sent to the discard pile instead of being placed onto the player’s deck. Because of this restriction, Valkia is a very powerful card and can easily be a top card in a tournament.
Another powerful new card is Diyzgon. This is a Level 7 card that can only be used during battle and only if both players have face-up cards on their side of the field. Diyzgon’s effect is that it destroys all your opponent’s cards on the field. It can even destroy itself if it is flipped face up.
Finally, there is a new mega-card introduced called Platinum Dioscore. This monster has a base level of 10 and can be used during battle and until the end of the game. Its ability is similar to that of a Dark Dragonoid that can be activated in place of an ordinary dragon. This monster is very useful for controlling multiple monsters at once.
All in all, it seems like the new XY sets are going to be more about evolution instead of changes. As such, the new series may be better for beginners than the older sets. Also, some new cards are very powerful and may not be used properly in some situations. It will be up to each player to find out what they want out of the new cards and whether they can make use of them. In the meantime, the new sets are sure to be a hit!