The original animated film Maleficent is a tale of a fairy who was born in an enchanted forest kingdom called the Moors. Her parents were killed by a group of humans, and she was orphaned. She lived a happy life until she was sixteen, when a curse awoke her. Using her powers of Chlorokinesis, she manipulated trees, plants, and wind to save the baby Aurora. In the end, she broke the curse and restored the Moors to their former beauty.
However, she is a villain who has a dark side. Aside from being a tyrant, she also has the power of clairvoyance. Not only is she able to see the past, she can project her thoughts into others, and even manipulate weather for various effects. If she is hurt, she can heal herself.
Although she may be an evil character, she is still a very memorable Disney villain. This is the reason that she has been a mainstay in several live-action remakes, including the 1999 version of Sleeping Beauty. As a dark fey, she is not without some comic appeal. There are several other fairies that are similar to her, especially in the jungle. They are less colorful than Snow White, but they are more powerful and possess magical abilities.
For instance, she is able to heal broken branches by touching them. She also possesses the ability to transform into a phoenix-like creature. She can also play bad jokes on leprechauns. Another one of her powers is the ability to hypnotize others.
One of her biggest strengths is her ability to heal the bodies of others. When a child is wounded, she can revive it through the power of Chlorokinesis. In addition, she can also create weather-like effects, and is capable of lifting a full-grown man.
Another of her powers is the ability to pull hair from other people. In one scene, she catches Flittle, who has hit Thistletwit, and pulls her hair. Afterward, she uses her powers to turn Diaval into a wolf. And then, after a second scene, she transforms herself into a wolf again. These are just some of the many powerful capabilities of the Maleficent.
During the film, she has a mother-daughter relationship with Aurora. As she grows up, she realizes that she loves Aurora. At first, she tries to kill her, but ultimately she realizes that she needs to save her. To do that, she enlists the help of the three fairies, who promise to make Aurora queen of both kingdoms. But, she finds that her friends do not want to join her.
Throughout the film, she also learns that Aurora is pregnant. But her love for her daughter is stronger than her hatred for her mother. Therefore, she will come back to Aurora when she christens her child.
She also becomes a close friend to Stefan, a peasant boy. However, she becomes suspicious of Stefan when she learns that he has cheated on her.