Victor Locquet, also known as Fairy Peak is one of the most well-known names in the Rocket League community. He started his career in the game in 2016, and quickly rose to prominence. After playing with a few different teams, Fairy Peak joined Team Vitality in 2018 and became part of one of the most successful rosters in the history of Rocket League.
The team had great success in both the 1v1 and 2v2 scenes, winning a few European Regionals and even a World Championship title. However, after a tough fall major in Sweden, the team decided to shake things up and put Fairy Peak on their bench for a bit.
After a short hiatus, the French powerhouse has returned with a new roster that features veteran players Kaydop, Scrub Killa and Chausette45. The team is aiming for greatness in the next season, and will have to overcome the RLCS mainstays and hungry teams that made it through the European Spring Series.
While many may think that Fairy Peak is no longer at his best, he has been consistently in the top of the rankings and is still considered a jack of all trades in the game. His skills in the 2v2 scene are well-known, but he is also a feared competitor in the 1v1 scene. He is often seen fighting with his teammate Kyle “Scrub Killa” Robertson, and the two have been referred to as the actual GOAT 1v1 players in the game by streamer Johnny Boi.
The two have fought over numerous matches, and although Scrub has won a few of them, Fairy Peak is yet to lose to him in a best-of-one match. The rivalry is expected to continue in the next season and beyond, as both players look for their first LOR title together.
During his career so far, Fairy Peak has earned over $400 000 in official tournament earnings. He has won a staggering number of titles, including two LOR Championships and a number of European Regional Championships. He is currently ranked fifth in the world.
In the game, Fairy Peak uses a few different settings and equipment to help him perform at his best. He has his camera distance set at 260, which allows him to easily keep track of the ball and other players on the field. He has also turned off the camera shake, which can be a distracting factor during gameplay.
Additionally, he uses an Xbox Elite controller with a USB connection, which allows for easy customization and precise cursor control. He also uses a high-quality headset, which is important for comfort during prolonged gaming sessions. All of these components are used to create a bespoke setup that works for him and his playstyle.