The Live-Action Winx Club adaptation on Netflix premiered Jan. 22. The show focuses on the titular character, Bloom, a fire fairy with powers that she has only recently discovered. She attends a boarding school for fairies, but soon finds herself in a love triangle and the target of an ancient evil race.
Bo Dennis, a small-town girl, discovers that she is a Fae after she accidentally kills her boyfriend. She learns that she is part of the mysterious world of the Fae people, who look like humans and feed on their victims in different ways. Bo decides to use her newfound powers to do good.
As the series has a darker tone, the storyline revolves around the mysterious and supernatural creatures. Fairies are the focus of this show, which follows a group of teenage girls at a magical boarding school. They must learn to harness their powers and fight against a group of life-threatening monsters called the Burned Ones.
Other characters include the winx club, which follows Bloom, Tecna, Musa, and Flora, who masquerade as undercover reality TV talent-hunting undercover agents. This season also introduces Nimue, a Fey woman scorned in her village for being a witch. She tries to escape, but finds herself caught up in an uphill battle to save her people.
Another show on Netflix featuring fairies and elves is Stranger Things. Although it is not technically a fairy show, it features the Blue Fairy and Tinker Bell. The story is about a magical world that is being threatened. The show stars Jennifer Morrison, who plays the role of a teenager who discovers the wonders of her childhood.
The Winx Saga is also a hit on Netflix. The series follows five fairies in their first year at Alfea College, a magical boarding school that teaches them how to use their powers. The show features a cast that includes Abigail Cowen, Danny Griffin, Hannah van der Westhuysen, Precious Mustapha, and Theo Graham.
The Winx Saga premieres on Netflix Jan. 28. It’s based on the popular Italian series, and is a more mature take on the magical girl gang. Season 1 of the animated series featured a compelling magical world and a dark storyline about generational trauma. If you’re a fan of fairy tales, you’ll enjoy Fate: The Winx Saga on Netflix.