Those looking for an entertaining story about two magical unicorns might want to look at this book as opposed to its ill tempered counterpart. In addition to the unicorns, there are also dragons and a few humans in tow. This book has a fair amount of magic to go around and is sure to be a hit with young readers.
This book has all the requisites to keep young readers engaged for hours on end. The book’s big draw is its impressive selection of original, illustrated fiction. It’s also a great resource for parents who are looking for the right combination of educational content, reading material and wacky prizes. The book’s selection of books are split into three sections based on age and interest. Each selection is accompanied by a hefty set of colouring books, a series of novelty puzzles and a couple of books that resemble miniature museums. The selection also includes some lesser known gems. The selection’s most noteworthy books are the books in the unicorns, unicorns and unicorns series. A few books are also geared toward more mature readers. If your kids haven’t read much in the way of high-tech literature, The Unicorns of Oshkosh may be just the book to add to your library. It’s a small selection, but it’s a good start.
The book’s biggest draw is its impressive selection of original, illustrated fantasy fiction. There are also a few lesser known gems, such as the books in the unicorns of Oshkosh series. If your kids are looking for something a little more challenging, The Unicorns of Oshkosh series might be just the ticket.